Virtual Training: Applying USNG for Search and Rescue

On January 21, 2016, the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation co-hosted a virtual training seminar with the National Association for Search and Rescue to provide awareness level training on applying the US National Grid (USNG) as a decision support tool for Search and Rescue (SAR). The USNG is a point and area reference system that provides for actionable location information in a uniform format. Through this seminar participants were able to:

  • Learn how to apply USNG-enabled decision support tools to enhance coordination during SAR operations.
  • Gain insights from real-world incidents where USNG was successfully used to support SAR operations in the field.
  • Explore the use of USNG and GIS in SAR operations such as assignment tasking, incident spatial analysis, and map production.
  • Learn about the suite of USNG and GIS decision support tools already available to support SAR missions.

Provided below is a link to the materials used in the training, and a recording of the full training seminar.

Looking for more USNG resources to get started? Check out our USNG Resources page.