Goal: Assist the emergency management/public safety community in quickly understanding: which indices are available the data and methodologies behind them their relevance for use in preparedness and response Access the Guidance One-Pager on the Guidance Understanding a community’s risk, resilience, and vulnerability is vital for effective disaster management and resource planning. In recent years, there
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Webinar Recording Slide Deck Feedback Questionnaire On March 31st, 2020, NAPSG Foundation hosted a virtual PrepTech Talk titled “Intelligence-Driven Resource Management & Mutual Aid Planning,” which introduced a new risk analysis-based resource planning tool that supports the following: Equips leaders and resource planners with critical information to make better resource management decisions during preparedness and
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March 31, 2020 NAPSG Foundation is pleased to announce that the Resource Management Planning Tool (RMPT) has been launched publicly and is available to the community at no cost. The Resource Management Planning Tool was launched to provide all local agencies with a basic capability for intelligence-driven resource management planning. RMPT was developed based on
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NAPSG Foundation is pleased to share two new technology-focused toolkits that were recently launched and are available to the community today, as a part of NAPSG’s Safe & Resilient Toolkit. Each of the toolkits provides public safety leaders, emergency managers, and first responders with consistent guidance and resources for building and enabling the use of
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This is an interactive gallery that allows GIS Staff to quickly search NAPSG Foundation resources hosted in ArcGIS Online.
January 1, 2018 The National Alliance for Public Safety GIS (NAPSG) Foundation released the first version of the Resource Management Dashboard Guidance. The purpose of this Guidance is to provide a consistent framework and functional specifications for developing and using location-enabled dashboard technology to support resource management. This Guidance on Resource Management (RM) Dashboards was
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On Thursday, October 26, 2017, the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS (NAPSG) Foundation hosted a virtual training focused on “Enhancing Mission Critical Decision Making: Understanding Core Information Requirements”. This virtual training provided participants with the opportunity to: Gain awareness level knowledge on the process and national baseline for defining core information requirements to support
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With the release of our latest SOG supplement (Tornadoes), we would like to make all these documents more accessible. Below, please find all of the NAPSG SOGs for download, all in Word format. Also included here, in PDF format, is the NAPSG SOG quick guide. NAPSG-SOG-V-3-FINAL NAPSG-TornadoSOG-Final 08-10-15 NAPSG-CoastalStormSOG-Final 5.0 – 8-21-14 NAPSG-Wildfire SOG-V1.1_2013 NAPSG-OilSpillSOG-V1.1_2013
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