Webinar Recording
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On March 10th, 2022, NAPSG Foundation hosted the virtual PrepTech Talk “US&R Maps, Apps, and Collabs: A 2021 Year-in-Review.” Tune in for this round table discussion on how Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) teams leveraged the Search and Rescue Common Operating Platform (SARCOP) during multiple incidents in 2021.
Webinar Objectives
Gain insight into how preplanning and exercises can set the stage for a successful response.
Review the geospatial response to the Champlain Tower collapse in Surfside (FL), Hurricane Ida, and the Quad-State Tornados.
Learn about the integration of drone/sUAS imagery into US&R workflows.
- Jared Doke, Program Manager, NAPSG Foundation
- Justin Adams, President of CRASAR
- Katie Breland, Training Manager for TEEX TX-TF1 & Plans Team Manager for TX-TF1
- Lexi Passaro, Plans Team Manager PA-TF1
- Mike Parker, Assistant Chief, West Metro Fire & Plans Team Manager CO-TF1
- Zico Orozco, Tech Info Specialist, MO-TF1
- Santiago Ramos, Lt. for City of Miami Fire Rescue and Plans Team Manager for FL-TF2
- Brandy Paternoster, Lt. for Miami Dade Fire Rescue, Plans Team Manager FL-TF1