Virtual Training: How to Use the New Tornado SOG Template

On August 13, 2015 the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation (NAPSG) hosted  virtual training session that provided awareness level training on NAPSG’s latest Standard Operating Guide (SOG) template focused on tornado incidents. One of the critical ways that communities can prepare for tornados is to establish agency-level GIS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) specifically for tornados, and to routinely training and exercise to those SOPs.

This virtual training session was designed to help local, state, tribal, and Federal agencies to:

  • Learn how to create, prepare, coordinate, disseminate GIS services and products to aid incident decision making during tornados.
  • Gain insights on how to effectively allocate and coordinate GIS staff resources to successfully develop and apply GIS decision support capabilities in support of tornado response and recovery efforts.
  • Gain knowledge on how to develop agency-level SOPs for specific hazards for effective geospatial preparedness, with a focus on tornados.
  • Learn about the newest SOG released by NAPSG focused on tornados and how you can apply it as a template in your agency.

Provided below is a link to the materials used in the training and a recording of the full training session:

Also, be sure to download and use this SOG template (and others) as the basis of GIS SOPs in your agency by visiting: