October 10, 2018
Last Updated: 11:50 EST
Florida Hurricane GIS Resources
Florida Division of Emergency Management makes several key resources available to support disaster readiness and response efforts.
- FloridaDisaster.org GeoPortal – Maps and GIS data for the Florida State Emergency Response Team and the Florida Division of Emergency Management: https://floridadisaster.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html
- Florida’s GATOR Situational Awareness Viewer: https://floridadisaster.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=f5628cfc02ca42b4a3853c69d8ff804b
Hurricane Forecasts and Advisories
NOAA’s National Hurricane Center – For the most authoritative source for Hurricane Advisories visit the NHC website at https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/.
Hurricane Situational Awareness
FEMA’s Hurricane Incident Journal – Provides relevant spacial decision-making support and is available to the general public at https://bit.ly/2MXR7Zb.
NAPSG has a light-weight and publicly accessible situational awareness viewer for the community to access basic information on incidents and forecasts. Visit: https://bit.ly/2OgwNit.
2018 Hurricane Crowdsourced Photo App
Use this app and map to get a picture of 2018 hurricane damage at the ground level.
How you can help? Sleuth the web for photos from social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) that indicate flood impact in areas affected by 2018 hurricanes and have a location identified (street address, neighborhood, town, etc.) and add them to the map. https://arcg.is/1jLm4y
Search & Rescue Decision Support and Analysis Tools
- What Is It? NAPSG Foundation is partnered with the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) to make a standardized mobile application and tool set available for first responders to rapidly collection location-based information during a disaster.
- Who Is It For? First Responders, Incident Command Staff, and EOC Staff – Local and State search and rescue teams that are staging and responding to any type of event can deploy the mobile application. Field data collected through the tool can be visualized in dashboards, viewers, and reports to support increased situational awareness and improved decision making in the ICP and EOC.
- Get Started Now – To enroll, contact the IAFC using the points of contact below:
Jeff Dulin Tel. 704-619-2714 Email. jdulin@iafc.org
TJ Lyon Tel. 407-832-3375 Email. tjlyon@iafc.org - Learn More – Check out an overview of the tool at https://arcg.is/1zaby4
Preliminary Damage Assessment Templates
FEMA has released two standardized template forms that match the information required by FEMA to evaluate requests for the Public Assistance (PA) and Individual Assistance (IA) FEMA Recovery Programs.
For more information on the FEMA PDA Templates and technical guidance to support implementation, visit: https://bit.ly/2x6DbSO.
Esri Disaster Response Program Resources for Florence
This page contains curated maps and apps that support response and recovery for Hurricane Florence. https://bit.ly/2NyvqhY.
Open Data on National Infrastructure
Access nearly 400 geospatial data layers for our nation’s key infrastructure through the HIFLD Open website hosted by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in collaboration with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Publicly accessible infrastructure data can be used to support basic planning and situational awareness for mutual aid resources for all types of disasters, including hurricanes. Visit HIFLD Open to begin exploring open infrastructure data for the nation: https://hifld-geoplatform.opendata.arcgis.com/.
Identify Local and State Data Sources and Contacts
This web map provides you with links to active state geospatial open data portals and key points of contact to aid in the search and discovery of local and state GIS data. https://bit.ly/2x0GtXv
Core Information Needs ArcGIS Online Group
This is a public ArcGIS Online Group for finding layers, maps, and apps to support your geospatial platform. It catalogs all-hazards core information needs such as base data and live feeds. If you are a GIS Specialist starting your first emergency management web map or have an existing one but are looking for additional layers, join this group so it is easier to search for layers from ‘My Groups’. Access the group: https://arcg.is/iS8am
American Red Cross Tropical Cyclone Maps, Apps, and Graphics
The American Red Cross provides a compilation of various maps, apps, and graphics relevant to tropical cyclones and hurricanes through their platform called RCView. https://arcg.is/0Gavje