Virtual Training: Using the GIS Inventory for Mutual Aid Planning and Data Sharing

On June 25, 2015 the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation co-hosted a virtual training session with the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) that provided awareness level training on the value of participating in the GIS inventory to support enhanced mutual aid readiness and overall preparedness. This training provided participants with the following opportunities to:

  • Learn how to use the GIS Inventory to aid you agency’s preparedness and mutual aid readiness
  • Learn about best practices in applying the GIS Inventory as a data sharing tool with neighboring communities and responders nationwide for enhanced planning and mutual aid efforts
  • Learn about current and new features available in the GIS inventory and how it can be used to support data sharing

Provided below is the link to the recording of the full training session:

Be sure to startย participating in the GIS Inventory today by visiting: