At NAPSG Foundation, our mission is to equip the public safety community with the knowledge, skills, and resources to apply geospatial technology to enhance preparedness and build a more resilient nation. We do that through a number of programs, and we invite you to reach out and engage with us in this mission.
As the complexity and frequency of events increase, so does the need to increase your capacity to mitigate, prepare, respond, and recover. To become more resilient, your organization needs the knowledge, skills, and resources to apply GIS technologies that are essential to informing mission-critical decision making.
Done right, your organization is ready to answer the call — you are better prepared and more resilient. At the NAPSG Foundation, supporting you in this effort is our primary mission. Consider us a trusted partner dedicated to building your long term capacity and providing enhanced geospatial support when you need it most.
Questions? Call +1-202-895-1711
Areas of Expertise
There are times when you need more than access to resources — you need someone with expertise in public safety GIS to help solve problems. The NAPSG Foundation’s expertise is in public safety GIS, and as a non-profit we are dedicated solely to your success. Explore our areas of expertise, and when you are ready – give us a call!
It’s important to note, our Subject Matter Experts more often than not are active duty public safety officials – people who know your needs, because they live your mission.
Requirements Gathering & Business Planning:
Just as success in public safety starts with planning, so does successfully implementing GIS capabilities. We always start with a sound requirements gathering process by collaboratively working with you to define and prioritize your operational and business needs. Whether it is assessing needs, documenting procedures, or strategic planning, we’ll provide you with a road map for success and help keep you on track.
Geospatial Technology Solutions:
Our GIS Subject Matter and Technology Experts can augment your capabilities by providing technical assistance, solution development, and technology implementation. We craft GIS-based solutions and tools that support your workflows and mission-critical decisions.
Operational Expertise & Support:
Our team is equipped with a unique blend of operational experience and skills that cut across all public safety disciplines, levels of government, and the private sector. We work with you to determine the right combination of Public Safety Subject Matter Experts needed to fulfill your project or program requirements.
Training & Education:
We develop and deliver both technical and operational training and education programs focused on supporting your priorities for advancing the use of geospatial tools. We develop curriculum, conduct hands-on simulation-based training, and deliver innovative education programs through in-person workshops and virtual seminars.
Exercise Design & Conduct:
We are at the forefront of integrating technology and GIS into preparedness exercises across all levels of government. In the past year, we’ve directly supported the planning, design, and conduct of more than 10 local and national exercises that moved the needle in successfully applying geospatial tools to achieve increased preparedness. Our Subject Matter Experts are available to work with your agency in using and integrating technology and GIS for your exercises.