Materials Available – 2018 National Geospatial Preparedness Summit

On December 3-5, 2018, the National Alliance for Public Safety GIS (NAPSG) Foundation brought together over 240 of the nation’s public safety leaders and GIS professionals for the 4th annual National Geospatial Preparedness Summit (NGPS). The 2018 NGPS was hosted at the University of Colorado in Boulder in collaboration with the Natural Hazards Center and the US Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate.

NGPS is the nation’s only preparedness Summit dedicated to advancing the use of innovative technology for emergency management and first responders. NGPS weaves together a unique combination of cutting-edge education and training programs involving hands-on training, policy workshops, and field-oriented exercises. This year’s programming featured a series of Disaster Innovation Talks by our nation’s most prolific leaders in technology innovation and emergency management, a national roundtable on emerging technology, a live field simulation, and hands-on technical GIS training. This year’s summit culminated in a functional exercise focused on implementing and sharing core operational information prior to, during, and after a major winter storm. Participants shared experiences from recent disasters, deepened skills and knowledge, built relationships, and developed real solutions to the most vexing challenges in implementing innovative technology for disaster preparedness and response.

Provided below is a copy of the 2018 NGPS Agenda linked with the materials from nearly all sessions and Disaster Innovation Talks. Please use this material as a reference tool in your efforts, and be sure to provide proper attribution to the individual content author when referencing the materials in your writing, presentations, or other related materials.






Day 1: December 3

Day 2: December 4

Day 3: December 5